Chelsea finished out her three-day rampage of deliciousness by preparing this Sausage and Lentils with Fennel dish from epicurious.com. Other than using chicken sausage instead of pork, she didn't deviate much from the recipe. My, the process was simple: after heating the lentils, she chopped up a beautiful fennel bulb, a few carrots, and a medium onion; meanwhile, I sauteed the sausage. Our kitchen is pitifully small, and just a few cutting boards and stray pot lids can completely cover our counter space. Though it can be a frantic place to cook, there's something charming, at least to me, about the way we duck, slide, spin, and curtsy out of (or sometimes into) each other's way, all the while managing to not step on our two hopeful and sometimes successful canine scavengers, one of whom made it into tonight's picture.
The end result of tonight's effort was a hearty and subtle bowl of goodness, one that features three parts of the fennel plant: the bulb, the fronds, and the seeds. This pleased my inner geek to no end.
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