In this morning's post Chelsea mentioned that she woke up craving last night's spring rolls; indeed, at about midnight, I could have sworn I heard her mumbling about rice paper in her sleep. Knowing that she was planning on another batch, I decided to complement the rolls with a simple Thai beef salad. At the Dekalb Farmers Market I picked up about a pound of flank steak, which I marinated in soy sauce and fresh lime juice. Right before it was time to grill the steak, I sprinkled a little bit of sugar on both sides of the meat--I could be wrong, but I think this helps the steak char. After cooking the steak for about five minutes a side and letting it rest, I cut it into thin slices, which I put over mixed greens, cucumbers, and red onions. Meanwhile, Chelsea and Hedgejo deftly assembled the rolls. The steak was perfectly done, and the rolls looked impeccable. The perfect meal, it seemed, was on my plate, but then as I sat down to enjoy, before I knew it -- alas, alas, dear reader! -- my plate was on the floor.
I'm not sure what my face looked like, but it couldn't have been pretty, for our forever-rapacious pups stayed right where they were. I took a deep, deep breath, picked up the greens and steak, tossed them out, and put together another salad. Luckily, we had more than enough steak for another helping, so except for my blushing ego there was no real harm done. Plus the pups have informed me that our carpet now tastes delicious.
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