Wednesday saw us with two pots on the stove. On one burner, team artichoke, backed by a brilliant supporting cast of bacon, onions, carrots, celery, and white wine. On the other burner, six chicken legs, which I browned for about seven minutes a side before adding, well, another batch of carrots, onions, celery, and then some of our homemade chicken stock. After about an hour of braising separately, the artichokes joined the chicken pot, which then went into the oven at 350 for about an hour and a half.
The chicken skin was crispy, but the meat was moist and tender--the best of both worlds. In fact, this dish was so good that I feel like I either need to come up with some tale of trepidation or diagram the steps of some culinary cartwheel that I had to perform, but no, even the artichoke prep -- a task that usually has me either drinking or swearing or both -- was easy.
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